St. Luke's Center for Orthopedics & Sports Medicine (2024)

St. Luke’s state-of-the-art comprehensive musculoskeletal outpatient care center brings together numerous complementary health care services under one roof in support of a truly differentiated and patient-centered care experience. The facility is a unique combination of outpatient services, a surgery center and supporting musculoskeletal (muscles, bones and joints) care that’s focused on promoting prevention and healing.It offers accessible and affordable care for patients anchored to movement and function and accompanied by invigorating interior surroundings.

With easy access from the Connector and both surface and garage parking, the St. Luke’s Center for Orthopedics & Sports Medicine is unlike any other in the Treasure Valley and beyond.

  • Blog PostSt. Luke’s newest care center a leap forward for orthopedics, sports medicine in one facilityRead More


Schedule an Appointment

If you have a medical emergency, do not use online scheduling.Call 911 or proceed to your nearest emergency department.If you require immediate assistance for a non-emergency condition, please contact the clinic directly by phone.

'; str += '

'; str += '
'; str += '

myChart is a patient portal that provides personalized and secure online access to portions of your medical record. It enables you to securely use the internet to help manage and receive information about your healthcare.

' str += ' Learn more about myChart'; str += '

'; str += "

"; document.getElementById(divName).innerHTML = str; } function myChartLogin() { window.location.href = ""; } function myChartSignup() { window.location.href = ""; } function myChartFAQ() { window.location.href = ""; } // Decisioning structure: // I have a specific health-issue or concern [yes] // yes = New patient // // I need a preventive or wellness exam // Are you enrolled in Medicare [yes | no] // Yes = Medicare wellness exam // No: // Are you currently taking 5 or more prescription medications [yes | no] // yes = preventive exam extended // no = preventive Exam // // My child needs a wellness check-up (available for patients under 18) // Is the patient over 10 years old [yes | no] // Yes = Well-Child Check Extended // No: // Is the patient currently seeing any health specialists [yes | no] // Yes = Well-Child Check Extended // No = Well-Child Check var vtNewPatient = 441027; var vtMedicareWellnessExam = 441860; var vtpreventiveExam = 441797; var vtpreventiveExamExtended = 441797; var vtWellChildCheck = 442057; var vtWellChildCheckExtended = 442058; function existingPatient() { document.getElementById("schdFltrWgt").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("schdFltr").innerHTML = ""; var txt = "I have a myChart account and would like to log in
"; txt += "I don't have a myChart account and would like to sign up

"; txt += "Learn more about myChart" document.getElementById("schdFltr1").innerHTML = txt; document.getElementById("schdFltr2").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("schdFltr3").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("schdFltr4").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("schdFltr5").innerHTML = ""; } function loadFMQuestions(explicitType) { document.getElementById("choiceBox").innerHTML = ""; var qType = 'family medicine'; var spcNotSet = true; if (explicitType == 'selSpc') { var e = document.getElementById("selSpc"); qType = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value; if (qType == undefined || qType == null || qType == '') { return; } else { jsDeptID = e.options[e.selectedIndex].getAttribute('data-department'); spcNotSet = false; } } if ('False' == 'True') { if (spcNotSet == true) { qType = 'user selected'; } } if (qType == 'family medicine') { var fm = "" fm += "

"; document.getElementById("schdFltr").innerHTML = fm; } else if (qType == 'internal medicine') { var fm = "" fm += "

"; document.getElementById("schdFltr").innerHTML = fm; } else if (qType == 'pediatrics') { var fm = "" fm += "

"; document.getElementById("schdFltr").innerHTML = fm; } else if (qType = 'user selected') { var fm = "" fm += "

"; document.getElementById("schdFltr").innerHTML = fm; } } var curSP = 'family medicine'; var acctNew = 'true'; var slfScdAvl = 'false'; if (acctNew === 'false' || slfScdAvl == 'false') { // not accepting new patients document.getElementById("slfSchd").innerHTML = ""; } else if (curSP === "internal medicine") { } else if (curSP === "pediatrics") { } else if (curSP === "family medicine") { } else { // online scheduling not available document.getElementById("slfSchd").innerHTML = ""; } function openModal() { showInitialChoices(); document.getElementById('selfschedulemodal').style.display = "block"; } function closeModal() { document.getElementById('selfschedulemodal').style.display = "none"; } function clrAll() { document.getElementById("schdFltrWgt").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("choiceBox").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("schdFltr2").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("schdFltr3").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("schdFltr4").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("schdFltr5").innerHTML = ""; } function clrBtm() { document.getElementById("schdFltrWgt").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("schdFltr3").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("schdFltr5").innerHTML = ""; } function pvQ2() { clrAll(); var fm = "

"; document.getElementById("schdFltr2").innerHTML = fm; } function pvQ3() { clrBtm() var fm = "

"; document.getElementById("schdFltr3").innerHTML = fm; } function wcQ2() { clrAll(); var fm = "

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"; document.getElementById("schdFltr5").innerHTML = fm; }function shc(){clrAll(); loadVT(vtNewPatient);} function mdwx() { clrBtm() loadVT(vtMedicareWellnessExam); } function wccx() { clrBtm() loadVT(vtWellChildCheckExtended); } function loadVT(vtVal) { document.getElementById("schdFltrWgt").innerHTML = '

' }

St. Luke's Center for Orthopedics & Sports Medicine (2024)
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Article information

Author: Gregorio Kreiger

Last Updated:

Views: 6099

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.